Many folks have had ultrasounds performed and for the most part the procedure is painless. This past Saturday I had the pleasure of an ultrasound to assess my kidneys and more importantly my urinary bladder. Preparation for the exam consisted of drinking 32 ounces of water one hour prior to the exam and holding on to it through the exam. Nearing the end of the exam I was instructed to off load the excess water, come back and let the tech assess how much liquid remained in my bladder. However, after the tech let me go I found myself in the bathroom unable to rid myself of the offending liquid. Sweating and my bladder now in spasm, which is like cramps on steroids, I was begging God for relief and fearing a trip to the emergency department to have a catheter inserted to relieve the pressure. After much trying and straining I was able to open the spillway so to speak. My guess is a swollen bladder against a swollen prostate means you're in trouble and that has me going to the bathroom as soon as I have the urge!
Next, first visit with the urologist to discuss the next move. Lab work (the second PSA) and the results of the ultrasound.