Sunday, July 18, 2010

Earl Grey no I don’t think so

Recently, The Morning Journal had two opposing views of the "Tea Party "movement, one being from E.J. Dionne speaking to the NAACP view of the Tea Party and racism. Today's edition has an opposing view from Mona Charen.

Full disclosure dictates telling readers that I am white. My ancestors hail from England and Ireland which makes me Anglo-Saxon, and I was born in Kentucky which makes me part redneck I guess. I am as white as white gets. Moreover, there are "Tea Party" folks in my family and YES they are racists. Not outwardly, they're not stupid, but in private they make no bones about it. Does this mean that the tea party movement is racist? I am not sure but I can only tell you what I see and what I hear.

Currently we have folks running around screaming and yelling, girding their respective loins calling themselves the "Tea Party" in reference to the Boston Tea Party. From this chair, the only thing these folks have in common with the early Americans is their ethnicity, white Anglo-Saxons. Realistically, the "Tea Party" is a splinter group of the Republican Party and a full member of the conservative platform. Not many minorities are represented on the videos I have seen of the verbal gutting of politicians at town hall meetings.

However, the conservative movement has courted the minority vote with promises of inclusion and input in party platforms in the past. Minorities were important to the conservative movement for their monetary support and how they voted on Election Day. That is about as far as it goes; the last D.N.C. Convention looked like a NASCAR race at Darlington…a lot of white faces. Realistically, it seems that the conservatives only needed their votes to gain power and then it was thanks and will see in two years.

Granted the Republican Party has a black man as the head of the R.N.C. However, I believe that he is just there as window dressing. Very little comes from the head of the R.N.C. of late, and as we learned early on, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin are the speakers of the R.N.C.

Ironically, white Anglo-Saxons will be in the minority as soon as 2016. Maybe this is why there is such uproar. Notice who's doing the talking and what they are really saying? I have been around awhile and I don't believe for one second all this spleen venting is about health care and the government being too big. Power and keeping it in the right hands is what the fuss is about.


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