Unless you have a great insurance plan, you have to pay a co pay. Amounts that you have to pay vary from plan to plan, but I have seen some folks pay as much as thirty-five dollars per person per visit. I have never understood the reason for co pays…..is it to deter you from going to the doctor or is it that the insurance company feels that they just can't get on board paying the full price for your visit? Doctors and hospitals already receive only partial payment for service and have for some time. Again, discounts vary from plan to plan, but most doctors receive somewhere around half of what they charge.
Co pays I feel will continue to rise and at some point we may need ask to see the finance department so we can stretch the payments out over three years. Unfortunately many of the state and federal health plans for the poor and indigent have no monthly premium and or co pay what so ever. Now I understand that if you're indigent you may not be able to afford any amount, but even one dollar would seem to be at the least a gesture of good faith considering taxpayers are paying the freight for two policies…
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