Today I called about a position that I found on Craig's list. The job was for a R.N. in a doctor's office, I called the number and after a short interview the woman at the staffing company felt I was not qualified to even send her my resume. Seems that no matter how much experience you have if you do not have a year's recent experience and she meant current experience then you are not qualified! Now, I calmly explained to this person that as a nurse I had over twenty five years of experience and some of that was indeed working for a doctor. Moreover, I was more than qualified to work in a doctor's office….no matter what doctor it is. I don't want to seem arrogant but, I have worked in every aspect of nursing and done just about everything and I do mean everything. I have done procedures as an advanced practice R.N. that includes everything except delivering a baby!
No sale, forget it, nada, can't do it, Sorry not interested, thank you for your time and goodbye! So, what do I make of this! I thought experience was gold. My feeling is that the real story is what you have done for me lately like in the last week!